Saturday 25 October 2014

Halloween Nails #1: Skull Nails Tutorial

Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting last week, but I'm making up for it now by giving you not one but TWO Halloween designs (the second one will up next week!) This skull design was pretty much directly taken from simplenailartdesigns' YouTube video, so all credit to her! Read on for my tutorial :) 
What I Used:

- OPI Nail Envy Base Coat
- Essie Blanc 
- OPI Black Onyx
- OPI Top Coat
- Nail art brush #00 from winstonia
- Striping brush #2 from bornprettystore
- Dotting tool
- Acetone and cleanup brush

1. Apply a base coat to protect your natural nails from stains and provide a smooth base for polish.

2. Next, apply two coats of a white polish.

3. Once dry, take a small nail art brush dipped in a black polish, and paint a short curved line roughly half way down your nail, about half a centimeter long, and then continue it as as straight vertical line to the tips of your nail. Do this on both sides of the nail to create the jawline of the skull, then fill in the space between your line and the sides of your nail with black.  

4. Next, take a thin striping brush and paint a straight black horizontal line across your nail near the tip to create a mouth, then add three shorter vertical lines for the teeth.

5. Using a large dotting tool, create two large black ovals for the eyes. You can create an oval with a round dotting tool by gently dragging it downwards. 

6. Using a smaller dotting tool, paint a small upside down heart in the centre for the nose. You can create a heart by adding two small dots and dragging them together to meet at a point.

7. Allow to dry completely before adding a top coat to avoid smudging. Clean up around your nails with a brush or cotton bud dipped in acetone/polish remover.

Boo! Your creepily cute skulls are complete! Feel free to share you thoughts with me in the comments below, and I'll see you next week for part two! 

Lisa xx 

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