Saturday 13 September 2014

Ladybird Nails Tutorial

Hello, Spring! This season is all about the birds and the bees, or in this case ladybirds/ladybugs (Which is it? Is there a difference between a ladybird and a ladybug? We'll never know.) This design is super simple and super cute, so as usual read on for the tutorial :)  

What I Used:

- OPI Nail Envy Base Coat
- OPI Black Onyx
- Essie Aperitif
- Essie Blanc
- Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat
- Striping brush #2 from bornprettystore
- Dotting tool from winstonia
- Acetone and cleanup brush 

1. Apply a base coat to protect your natural nails from stains and provide a smooth base for polish.

2. Paint your nails two coats of a red polish and allow to dry.

3. Using a striping brush and a black polish, carefully paint a thin line down the centre of nail. Press the brush flat against the nail and slowly move your finger backwards rather than moving the brush, as this will give you a smoother line. 

4. Using the same brush, paint a semi circle near the tip of your nail and fill in the space with black polish.

5. Create the dots on the ladybird's wings using a small dotting tool dipped in black polish. Try to space them out fairly evenly across the nail.

6. Using a slightly larger dotting tool, add two white dots in the middle of your black semi circle for the eyes. Then, with the smaller dotting tool, add the pupils inside the white dots with a black polish (my dotting tool is double-ended so I only needed to use the one tool).

7. Allow your design to dry before adding a fast-drying top coat to avoid smudging. Clean up any mistakes with acetone/polish remover and a cottonbud or brush.

And there you have it, adorable dotty nails that are perfect for springtime. I hope you liked this design and give it a go yourselves, and I'll see you next time!

Lisa xx    

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